Chen Yizhou

Renren Kills Non-core Chinese Internet Businesses

Chen Yizhou, chief executive officer of Renren, says the company is planning to sell some non-core businesses to improve their…

10 years ago

Chinese Social Finance Site Gains USD40 Million Investment, a Chinese social investment website, has completed its third round of financing of USD40 million with investors including…

10 years ago

Renren Forms Independent Wireless Business Division

Chinese Internet company Renren Inc. will adjust its organizational structure and business clusters, and establish an independent wireless business division.…

12 years ago To Acquire For USD80 Million

Chinese social networking site has announced plans to acquire the entire stake in, a Chinese video website, for…

13 years ago

Oak Pacific To Integrate Two Chinese Social Media Websites

Chinese social networking sites operator Oak Pacific Interactive has announced that it will gradually integrate its two social networking sites,…

14 years ago