Facebook has taken down a video interview between Lara Trump and former President Donald Trump, citing the Trumps’ “indefinite suspension” for their reasoning behind banning his presence on the platform.

Lara Trump posted the email notification on Facebook, sent by the platform.

Facebook released a statement regarding the former president’s suspension when it first occurred one paragraph stating,

“Our decision to suspend then-President Trump’s access was taken in extraordinary circumstances: a US president actively fomenting a violent insurrection designed to thwart the peaceful transition of power; five people killed; legislators fleeing the seat of democracy. This has never happened before — and we hope it will never happen again. It was an unprecedented set of events which called for unprecedented action.”

The ban remains despite the Senate acquitting Trump of any charges of inciting an insurrection. 

Facebook’s stance on violence remains ambiguous as the platform still allows the Chinese state-run Xinhua News Agency to actively post on Facebook. The news agency actively promotes Chinese propaganda deflecting from the Uighur genocide by posting “testimonies” from residents and experts claiming that the claims of human rights violations are false. 

Secretaries of State from both the Biden and Trump administrations acknowledged the actions China has taken against Uighurs from the East Turkestan region as ‘genocide’. 

Dozens of other countries have joined the acknowledgment, according to the UN, yet Facebook allows the Chinesegovernment to have a platform on their site while focusing on unproven allegations against Trump. 

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Author: Quinn Weimer


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