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What’s a Moderate to Do in This Crazy Election? A Step-by-Step Guide

The election is three weeks away, but absentee balloting has begun, the noise is deafening and confusion considerable. The election will turn on turnout, but also on swing voters facing a bewildering array of issues—so I figure a cheat sheet might be helpful.

The first thing to understand is that little of what is said on the campaign trail should be believed. That goes double for Donald Trump, who simply lies more easily than most. There’s a case to be made for Trump, but it has nothing to do with what he says about Vice President Kamala Harris on the stump.

She’s not a communist, and there’s no plan (nor means) to flood America with immigrants on a fast-track to voting rights. The Democrats also don’t favor abortion after birth, which is indisputably murder. The latter was just a Trumpian senior moment, and it’s odd that anyone believes any of it.

Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a campaign rally at the Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum on the campus of East Carolina University on Oct. 13, in Greenville, North Carolina.
Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a campaign rally at the Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum on the campus of East Carolina University on Oct. 13, in Greenville, North Carolina.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

What we do have, though, are a range of issues on which even a reasonable person might agree with one party on some and with the other on the rest; that is more true now than before because the world has grown more complex and because both sides have scrambled things with the culture wars which cut across old party boundaries, driven by economics or geopolitics.

This situation creates swing voters. Identifying them is complex, but studies show that the truly undecided—as opposed to those who claim it to appear non-partisan—are on the rise. Such voters, if rational, must assign to each variable a coefficient: if you want abortion rights, how much do you want them, versus your passion level on issues that break the other way. And they shouldn’t overthink: even if your preference on, say, gun control, seems hopeless, it won’t be if enough people prioritize it and vote the same way.

So, here’s my good-faith effort to surview the issues landscape:

The Classic Three: Gun control, abortion, and healthcare

It’s fair enough to group them because people tend to go the same way on all three: tighter gun control (like restoring the assault weapons ban), basic abortion rights, and ensuring a baseline level of health care for all (which every other advanced economy on Earth has). All polls show most Americans want all three, which should make it a Democratic slam dunk.

Yet somehow the Republicans are getting away with mulish obstinacy on these things, and especially health care has been hyper-complicated to the point that scrambles minds. Moreover, there is a subtle narrative that these are yesterday’s concerns. But they’re still important in real life.

The New Three: Immigration, wokeness, and jihadism.

These three issues have emerged to challenge the Classic Three, and while they are still likely to break the same way for most people, they do so to a lesser extent—and in the other direction.

  • Immigration: Despite the Republicans’ bluster, most Democrats also want to control the Mexico border and minimize unauthorized crossings. But if some people think policing the border is racism or that borders should not exist, they’re on the left. This is not the only reason there has been an upswing in illegal crossings under President Biden (for it is former President Donald Trump who scuttled a bipartisan border deal)—but it is undoubtedly one reason.
  • Progressivism: This movement started with ideals of social justice and a fairer world that most liberals could embrace but it became illiberal at its extreme and left the majority of voters way behind. Most Americans don’t want to “defund the police,” seek equality of opportunity not of outcome, are disinterested in gender-affirming therapy for prisoners and such, and don’t think all institutions are racist or that careers should easily be cancelled or that white people should just shut up.
  • Jihadism: The problem began with President Barack Obama refusing to call Islamic terrorism what it is a decade ago. Today it is evident in the apologist instinct some people in the West have toward organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, and forgiveness toward the theocracy in Iran—all three of which oppress their own people horribly. It is evident in Osama bin Laden’s TikTok fandom and in some Westerners joining the Islamic State. The far left seems confused but most voters are not, and they know this movement is their enemy.

You could argue that these issues have been inflated as a gift for Trump by Russian President Vladimir Putin‘s bot machine, but if so, it was a truly fabulous gift.

Taxation and Inequality

This tough issue can break both ways. The U.S. has a convoluted tax code, and most people want less bureaucracy, which goes against the Dems. The U.S. also has the worst inequality in the developed world—not just because of great wealth but also real poverty—and most people want the newly stupendously wealthy to pay more taxes; this goes against the GOP or should. But if Trump further lowers corporate taxes, it will boost stocks, which the middle class will love. Americans also have been brainwashed against social democracy, confusing it with communism. This issue should break in most cases for the Dems, but rather it is a wash.

Foreign policy

Trump will rattle NATO and our allies and suck up to Putin and other dictators because he admires them. He will force Ukraine to end the war with Russia in control of some of its territories. I don’t rule out his also selling out Taiwan. Harris will do the opposite on all these fronts. On the Middle East both will support Israel but only Harris will pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and I doubt either will have the courage to go truly tough on Iran; Trump is more likely to call out evil miscreants for what they are, but he’s also an isolationist opposed to “forever wars.” This issue would appear to be a wash.

The candidates

If one thing unites the democratic world, it’s unhappiness with candidates (which should make us examine our societies). Perhaps the greatest success of the Trump campaign has been to make the campaign about the other guy—because theirs is utterly absurd. The claims that Biden is no longer lucid seemed true enough to make this thrust hard to parry. Now they’re claiming that Harris is inadequate in various ways—and while that’s not untrue, it’s also ridiculous considering Trump, who is profoundly disturbed and at the very least seems to suffer from an extreme narcissistic disorder.

Trump was twice impeached, has been convicted of felonies, undeniably tried to overturn the 2020 election, is in some way responsible for the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol invasion, and once suggested he would not rape a certain woman because she was insufficiently attractive to him. Those of us who have known maniacs, professionally or personally, would never want to hand them the nuclear button—and it doesn’t matter if they’re surrounded but less heinous personalities. This should break dramatically for Harris (and probably would, if not for a combination of latent sexism and racism).

Electoral College

I’d like to say this exercise is important because every vote counts, but let’s face it: Votes in non-battleground states—meaning most—kinda don’t due to America’s uniquely twisted Electoral College system. People defend it saying it forces politicians to pay attention to smaller states—but all it really does is encourage politicians to only pay attention to swing states (which are generally larger!). It also means that the United States is the only country in the world where politicians have zero incentive to campaign in the three largest cities—except to woo financial titans. And it gives most rural voters several times the numerical impact of a Californian or New Yorker.

This racket radically favors the Republicans, which is why they might again win the presidency while losing the popular vote (also known as “the vote”). Changing it would require the Democrats controlling most states, which is tough. But if that’s what you want—as I do—the Democrats are the choice.

* * *

The issues do matter, no matter what smart-alecks say. And the personality does matter, because bad people do bad things. You know what shouldn’t matter? Whether you are entertained. Go to the circus—or to Netflix—for that.

As for me, I break in all the ways I suggested the average swing voter should. If curious, add them up and you’ll figure out whose name is marked on my already-mailed absentee ballot for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—a magical place where votes do count.

Dan Perry is the former Cairo-based Middle East editor and London-based Europe/Africa editor of the Associated Press, the former Chairman of the Foreign Press Association in Jerusalem and the author of two books. Follow him at

The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.

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