Bollywood’s Badshah Shah Rukh Khan won the IIFA 2024 ‘Best Actor’ award for his fiery performance in blockbuster hit ‘Jawan’ where he appeared in a dual father-son role. Receiving his award, the Jawan actor touched filmmaker Mani Ratnam’s feet, followed by a warm hug as legendary composer and music director A R Rehman joined along the stage. The gesture is winning over netizens. In his acceptance speech, the star remarked that it was the greatest privilege of his life. SRK stated that he has learnt so much about film-making from both the legends. The crowd went absolutely gaga at SRK’s speech at the award.

Directed by acclaimed director Atlee, the 2023 Bollywood action flick Jawan featured Nayanthara, Deepika Padukone, and Vijay Sethupathi among a stellar cast. Made with a budget of Rs 300 crore, Jawan became the highest grossing Bollywood movie in 2023, minting Rs 1,148 crore. It also became the second highest grossing Hindi film and the fifth highest earning Indian movie, reaffirming SRK’s stardom in the industry. 2023 was the year of SRK with the first blockbuster of the year, Sidhharth Anand directorial Pathaan. The action flick came after a four year sabbatical of the superstar since Zero (2018) and Jab Harry Met Sejal (2017). Pathaan and Jawan’s roaring success was also a clapback at critics, especially the RW brigade that didn’t leave any stone unturned in slandering the star during his son Aryan Khan’s drugs-on-cruise case, from which he was later acquitted. The media witch hunt and vile jibes on the actor’s faith added to SRK’s woes. The Pathaan-Jawan-Dunki mega success revived Shah Rukh Khan’s silver screen success and also purged the negative brandishing. Meanwhile, Jawan will be released in Japan soon, as announced by SRK on his social media platform.

See Also: IIFA Utsavam 2024 Winners: Aishwarya Rai Wins Best Actress, Mani Ratnam Honored As Best Director

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