The enclosure-like structure stretches as far as the eye can see, with rows upon rows of bunk beds. (News18 Hindi)

The enclosure-like structure stretches as far as the eye can see, with rows upon rows of bunk beds. (News18 Hindi)

The viral video has sparked widespread debate about how workers from various parts of the world, including those from UP and Bihar, are forced to live in inhumane conditions in Dubai

Dubai is known for its luxurious skyscrapers, such as Burj Khalifa and Princess Tower, and its high standard of living. Due to the lifestyle it offers, millions of people around the world come to Dubai in search of better livelihoods. But who is behind Dubai’s magnificent buildings? Each year, hundreds of thousands of labourers from countries like India and Pakistan travel to Dubai in search of daily wages, often working as construction workers.

Many of the Indian labourers in Dubai belong to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Have you ever wondered what their lives are like in Dubai? Away from the glamour of the city, a different side of Dubai has emerged in a viral video that will leave you heartbroken.

This viral video, exposing the harsh reality of labourers’ living conditions in Dubai, was shared by the verified Instagram account @the_construction_expert_. The viral video has sparked widespread debate about how workers from various parts of the world, including those from UP and Bihar, are forced to live in inhumane conditions. The footage shows a large hall with a tin shed roof, packed with shabby dormitories stacked one on top of the other.

The enclosure-like structure stretches as far as the eye can see, with rows upon rows of bunk beds. Thousands of people from Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, and India spend their nights in this camp after toiling all day. Similar images and videos have surfaced in the past, often going viral on social media. This particular video has been viewed over 6 lakh times within just 24 hours, with thousands of people liking, sharing and commenting.

Many people are comparing the structure to an animal farm. User Pranav Roy commented, “It resembles an updated version of a poultry farm”. Another, Tushar Jalavadiya, said in his comment, “My brothers, stay in India—at least you will be safe and with your family. What’s the point of earning money under such conditions?” A user named Radhika remarked, “People proudly say, ‘My son earns in Dubai’, or ‘My husband lives in Dubai’, but the internet has revealed the truth.” Ashwani Atwal added, “This is no less than a jail.”

However, not all comments were critical. Adil Chaudhary shared a different perspective, explaining that during the summer, workers are given a three-hour break. He noted that there are air-conditioned rooms and restrooms available for them. Buses also transport the workers to and from their living quarters. Adil further stated that in Dubai, no more than six people are allowed to live in a single room.